The Canada Lynx is one of the three wild cat species in Canada, smaller than a cougar but bigger than a bobcat and can be found in most of the southern half of British Columbia. Their fur is typically yellowish brown without any markings and is dense and longer than bobcats. Canada lynx are well known for their prominent ear tufts and the black ear tips. There are some darker markings on the head and a black line on their back that runs from shoulders to tail and a black tail tip. They also have long hairs almost like a mane around their face. They have long and study legs with no black markings. Canada Lynx have large, well furred paws with light coloured pads, which allows them to walk on top of compact snow. The typical prey animal of the Canada Lynx are different hare but rabbits, rodents, birds like grouse and young ungulates such as deer fawns are also eaten. The more hares are present in an area, the heavier the Canada lynx population.
Canada lynx prefer mixed forests but also inhabit natural clearings and old burned areas. They can be found in any elevation from the alpine, valley bottoms and everywhere in between. Cover and thicker understory in forests is very important to the very illusive Canada lynx as this allows the lynx to hunt for prey undetected and hide from predators.
Canada lynx can breed all year round but normally mate in March. The females are pregnant for 60 day and then give birth to 1-4 kittens. To protect them from threats she is hiding them by making use of caves, windfalls and rock slides.
Their home ranges can vary widely in size and shape depending on availability of prey, the density of lynxes and the topography of the habitat with males tending to occupy larger ranges than females.