The cougar is the largest species of wild cat in Canada and the Chilcotin Arch. Its coat can vary from fawn, silver-grey to reddish with lighter areas on the lower body. Cougars feed on mule and white-tailed deer, elk, moose and bighorn sheep. They are opportunistic hunters and will eat any prey they can get their hands on, but they may also specialize in a certain species. A cougar’s territory or home range provides them with food, water and shelter, as well as access to mates. They are very dominant and fight for their territory against other cougars of the same sex. They mark their territory with tree scratches, leaf piles, urine and feces. Although males and females have overlapping territories, they only come together to mate. The size of a female’s territory depends on the number of cubs she has, because the more cubs there are, the more food is needed. Females also lead a less solitary life than males, as they care for their offspring until they are two years old. Cougars are quiet and stealthy while hunting. But when in heat, females can start screaming and howling loudly, and they can breed at any time of the year.